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Our PSHE curriculum

Our Vision: 

At Sandal Castle (VA) Community Primary School we have designed our PSHE Curriculum with the intent that all children have the opportunity to develop their inner worlds, empowering them as unique individuals with positive relationships with self and others. We believe that children learn best and achieve their highest potential when they feel valued, celebrated and are supported in all areas of development.    

At our school we are committed to ensuring that the emotional and social needs of all our children are met within our school environment. We support the development of their emotional literacy, building resilience and nurturing mental and physical health. We recognise our children as individuals and we nurture and support them to become happy, healthy and compassionate human beings and active citizens. 


The PSHE curriculum covers themes we believe are important including ‘Being Me in My World’, ‘Celebrating Difference’, ‘Dreams and Goals’, ‘Healthy Me’, ‘Relationships’, and ‘Changing Me’. Each half term we have a different focus of learning which fits into one of these areas and is the same throughout school. Important links are made between PSHE themes and events happening across school such as ‘online safety week’ and ‘anti-bullying week’ which is embedded within school Collective Worship. 

Sandal Castle VA
Community Primary School

diocese of leeds