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Our Writing Curriculum


Developing writing skills is one of the core purposes of primary education. At Sandal Castle Primary School, we place the utmost importance on the development of writing skills across the curriculum. We want the children to feel enthusiastic and passionate about writing.


We strive for the children at Sandal Castle to be able to communicate confidently and effectively, not just in writing lessons but in every area of the curriculum.  We believe that both boys and girls should have equal opportunities; they should be encouraged and supported to write to the best of their ability and succeed in English.


  • To write with confidence, clarity, imagination and creativity.
  • To understand the spelling system and apply these skills to write confidently and with increasing accuracy.
  • To write with grammatical understanding and accuracy and become increasingly aware of the conventions of writing, including grammar, punctuation and spelling.
  • To write in different contexts and for different purposes and audiences, including themselves.
  • To understand how to write in a range of genres in fiction and poetry using some of the structures of narrative in relation to setting, character and plot.
  • To write non-fiction texts, using the features of different forms.
  • To plan, draft, revise and edit, and sometimes publish own writing.
  • To learn to appraise the writing of others critically and constructively.
  • To develop a technical vocabulary through which to understand and discus writing.
  • To form letters correctly, leading to a fluent, cursive and legible style of handwriting.
  • To become familiar with and competently use reference books such as dictionaries and thesauruses.

Sandal Castle VA
Community Primary School

diocese of leeds