Our French Curriculum
Our Vision:
Wakefield is a hugely cultural diverse city and at Sandal Castle Primary School our children speak over thirty languages - therefore, our primary languages curriculum reflects our curiosity and enthusiasm for languages as well as an understanding of our multicultural world.
Our children are able to develop their linguistic skills but also build a picture of themselves as global citizens in an inclusive world.
At Sandal castle Primary School, we use an award winning primary languages provider, Lingotot West Yorkshire, to deliver weekly French across KS2.
Lingotot’s curriculum focuses on the three pillars of language learning; ensuring children are taught in an enjoyable and stimulating manner. They build the children’s skills and confidence through songs, games, stories, outdoor learning, drama and role play whilst also providing formative and summative assessments.
Please see the links below for more information about our primary language curriculum.
Here are some of the things we have been learning in our French lessons this half term...
We have been competing in Lingotots' Language Bee this week. Children who wanted to take part were asked to spell a series of high-frequency words under timed conditions. We are very proud of all the children who pushed themselves out of their comfort zones to take part! Finalists from each year group will take part in the next round which is a school-wide Language Bee in June.